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Behind the Blooms

Explore our Blogs for inspiration, tips and behind the scenes glimpses into our creative process

Bringing Nature Home - The Art of Capturing Nature with Epoxy Resin

  • Dried Flowers - Heart Shaped Bowl filled with dried Flowers

    Dried Flowers - Preserving Nature's Beauty: A Guide to Drying

    Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting to explore the world of floral preservation, here are some tried-and-true techniques to help you keep your favorite flowers looking fresh and vibrant.
  • Resin Art - Bringing Nature Home  - The Art of Capturing Nature

    Resin Art - Bringing Nature Home - The Art of Capturing Nature

    Bringing Nature Home - Nature has a unique way of captivating our senses, from the vibrant colors of blooming flowers to the calming presence of lush greenery. Unfortunately, not all of us can bask in nature's beauty year-round. Living in Cold Lake, Alberta, we have long winters where we search for colour and remember the warm summer months when we had lots of colour.

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